Rihanna Cover Girl Ads: Too Soon?
The Hollywood Gossip staff members do not fashion themselves celebrity fashion and makeup experts. Our business is celebrity gossip, not mascara. However, we suspect that, just maybe, "Light up Your Eyes" may not have been the best tagline for a new Cover Girl ad starring pop star Rihanna. Rihanna was, of course, beaten up so hard by Chris Brown that her eyes were partially swollen shut. We're just saying. Oh, "allegedly" beaten, sorry.
While we await word on whether Rihanna will testify against Chris Brown, , at least we know where we can go for makeup to disguise deep facial bruising. Follow the jump for another ad Cover Girl has released with a more generic headline - possibly having realized the unintended double entendre above ...
TAKE OFF THAT MASK: not much the celebrity news headling writers at The Hollywood Gossip can do to turn that one around on Cover Girl. Nice Work.
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